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    Salt fog test box factory production equipment standard

          Specializing in the production of various environmental test equipment. The main products are: high low temperature test box, salt fog test box, constant temperature and humidity box, alternating high and low temperature test box, salt fog test box, high low temperature test box, oven, drying oven, rain test box, thermostat, aging boxes, experimental equipment, high and low temperature test chamber, constant temperature and humidity test chamber
           The following is the detailed information about the "high low temperature test box", please refer to:
    (you can also search: Search: high and low temperature test low temperature box, instrument, high and low temperature test machine, high and low temperature test equipment such as series alias search.)
    Box structure
    1, high and low temperature test chamber for import (SUS304) high quality mirror stainless steel plate;
    2, thermal insulation material: high density glass fiber cotton. The insulation thickness is 80mm;
    3, using far infrared Ni Cr alloy high-speed heating (2KW * 1) electric heater;
    4, insulation system using superfine glass fiber filled insulation area, and connecting parts of the use of non-metallic high, low temperature materials, effectively reduce the temperature conduction;
    5, the outer container adopts high quality (t=1.2mm) forming A3 steel plate of CNC machine tools, shell surface spray treatment, smoother and more beautiful;
    6, stirring system: the long axis of the fan motor, stainless steel high temperature multi wing impeller, in order to reach the intensity of convective vertical diffusion cycle;
    7, between the door and body adopts the double-layer high-temperature high tension seal to ensure the test area closed;
    8, the observation window using multilayer hollow toughened glass, laminated chip inside the conductive film (can clearly observe the test process);
    9, the test hole (on the left of the machine) 50mm a (imported) can be connected with the use of test power line or signal line (pore size or pore number must be increased for instructions)

    益阳市| 赞皇县| 贵德县| 兴和县| 永泰县| 鹤壁市| 建始县| 温州市| 肃南| 化州市| 灯塔市| 班戈县| 吕梁市| 罗平县| 页游| 东兴市| 武安市| 穆棱市| 赤壁市| 涪陵区| 贵州省| 陕西省| 思茅市| 天津市| 屏边| 砚山县| 贵州省| 砀山县| 木兰县| 天津市| 马关县| 涪陵区| 昆山市| 金堂县| 静乐县| 从江县| 苗栗市| 和林格尔县| 庆城县| 台东市| 区。|