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    Main Classification and Maintenance Tips of Evaporator

          What is evaporator? In fact, it is one of important units in refrigeration system, which urges hypothermal condensed fluid to conduct heat exchange with outside air so as to reach the goals of heat absorption through vaporization and refrigeration. Briefly speaking, the daily chemical equipment is based on heating to remove the nonvolatile solutes in the solution. Therefore, the evaporator is widely applied to chemical industry, food industry, pharmaceutical industry and others. Take the sea water desalination for example. Relying on special heating method, the salinity will be removed from the sea water. Thus, the desalinated sea water can be drunk by human directly.
           Wide application, just as I have mentioned, decides various types. According to the vapor reutilization condition, it has such four types as single-effect evaporator, double-effect evaporator, glass tank vacuum emulsifier and four-effect evaporator. The single-effect evaporator means the produced secondary steam will not be used again. Double-effect evaporator, generally speaking, often adopts vacuum evaporation and is much more energy-saving than single-effect one. Speaking of the triple-effect evaporator, it adopts tubular circulating heating method, which enjoys the advantages of short physical heating time, fast evaporation velocity and large concentration proportion. Four-effect evaporator is equipped with much more complicated internal composition, which includes four evaporators and separators, condenser, hot-press pump, sterilizer, tubular holder, delivery pump, operating deck, control cabinet, valve and pipeline system. Undoubtedly, such an evaporator enjoys the best evaporation performance.
           In accordance with the evaporation means, there is natural evaporation and explosive evaporation. In addition, it has ordinary-pressure evaporator, pressure-boost evaporation and alcohol recovery tower on the basis of operating pressure. In the current market, we also can see other evaporators, such as central circulation tubular evaporator, basket evaporator, Levin evaporator, film-rising evaporator, film-falling evaporator or scraper evaporator and so on. They enjoy their own application fields.
           When it comes to the maintenance, it plays a key role in retaining high evaporation efficiency and prolonging the service life. Here are some useful maintenance tips. In the very first place, the leakage detecting should be done regularly, which is one of popular fault phenomena. Frosting condition also should be taken into full consideration. If the frost layer is too thick, the defrosting work should be put into effect in time, or the blockage problem will be caused. Besides, the reservoir and pressure of evaporator must be checked very carefully if it does not start up for a very long time. Meanwhile, the evaporator used in saline pond needs to be washed by fresh water.

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